Terrible Consequences of Facebook Addiction!

Rafayatul Kabir
2 min readJan 20, 2017

Our minds are curious about outward affairs; hence, we end up spending countless hours on facebook doing nothing productive but simply scrolling and liking posts shared by others. I think I already got distracted thrice while writing this.

Facebook is nothing but a tool I use for dealing with tasks that I get paid for. As long as anything can create income opportunity for others, it’s not entirely bad.

In order to restrain myself from abusing this tool, I removed the Facebook app off of my smartphone, yet, keeping the Messenger app for communication. It seemed effective, but not for long.

Courtesy Facebook Addiction

For those of you who get easily carried away by social media, they simply need to download this identical Facebook app available for download on iOS and Android. Opening it will simply remind the user

to not waste precious time looking at what other people are doing.

Open the following URL either from iPhone or Android device:

Facebook will eventually make you unhappy, find out more about the research performed at the University of Copenhagen.

If you think your addiction to Facebook is overwhelming and beyond control, you must follow the steps. Don’t worry; realization is the first step to curing.

Courtesy Huffington Post


  • Launch in Chrome (or whatever browser) and ‘Add to Homescreen’


  • From the ‘Share’ button in the footer choose ‘Add to Homescreen’
  • On the next screen press ‘Add’.

After this, you simply need to replace the original Facebook app with Faceblock Web application and get a leash on your unwanted desire.



Rafayatul Kabir

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